Career | Digitech Wizard

Join Our Team

For over fourteen years, we've been empowering businesses to connect with their ideal customers. Throughout this journey, our expertise has grown, and our clients have thrived.

With more than fifteen years of experience, we've guided businesses in reaching their desired audiences. The knowledge we've gained along the way has significantly boosted our clients' success.

Sales Representative

Desired Skills & Experience:

*A successful sales track record within any industry with 2+ years of experience.

*High level of communication skills over the telephone and email.

*Highly goal-oriented and driven to achieve success.


Digital Marketing

Desired Skills & Experience:

*2+ years of experience in SEO, PPC, and inbound marketing.

*Experience planning and executing SEO, social media, content marketing..

*Proficient at Google Analytics, Google Ads, HubSpot, and other digital marketing..


Web desiging

Desired Skills & Experience:

*2 years related work experience.

*Know the all languages like PHP , Back-end.

*Ability to communicate effectively in written and verbal formats, both internally.


Socail media management

Desired Skills & Experience:

*2 years related work experience in socail media manegment.

*Ability to communicate effectively in written and verbal formats, both internally and externally.


Celebrating Our Culture ,The Online Social Network.

Digital Marketing
Website Design
Web Development
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